‘Who’s Holding the Baby? Leading Effectively, Adler Meets Winnicott’ Presented by Dr Karen John
8th March 2016 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

With budget cuts and the more-for-less culture, public and voluntary sector leaders and staff struggle to meet increasing demands on dwindling resources. At the same time, helping professionals remain committed to ensuring that those in their care receive high quality services. This lecture presents theoretical, emotionally containing, encouraging and practical approaches (drawn from the work of Adlerians and Kleinian paediatrician Donald Winnicott) found to be effective in supporting leaders and staff alike to be more leaderful in their work.
Dr. Karen John is a developmental psychologist who works as a researcher, trainer, lecturer, consultant, Adlerian psychotherapist and clinical and Ph.D. supervisor. With over 40 years’ experience in mental health, social care services and educational leadership, training and research, she is the author of over 60 articles, chapters and booklets. She is an editor of the ASIIP Year Book and a member of the ICASSI faculty and board. Her abiding aim is to help individuals, families, organisations and professionals recognise and overcome internal and external obstacles that interfere with their healthy and socially responsible functioning.
Tickets: admission £7, concessions £4. All welcome. No need to book. CPD certificates are available.
Lecture enquiries: evans_patel@hotmail.co.uk.
For further information, visit www.adleriansociety.co.uk.