Woman Up!
29th August 2015 · 10:00am - 5:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Let’s talk about what it means to be a woman in the UK today.
In our media, women’s sport gets the same coverage as men’s darts. Out of 2,300 works of art in the National Gallery in 2010, only 10 were by women. And there are more men in the House of Commons today than the total number of women who have ever been elected into parliament…
Women make up 51% of the UK’s population. We are workers, daughters, creatives, poets, partners, inventors, artists, musicians, scientists, mathematicians, playwrights, mothers, office-job workers and friends. We are all this and more – we all have stories to share, so let’s come together and share them.
Woman Up! aims to start a discussion – we exist to promote equality, talk about taboo topics and help tackle violence against women and girls. There will be discussions and performances. We want to ask questions:
– Why are 84% of front page news stories about men?
– Why are the cuts hitting women the hardest?
– Why are we afraid to talk about women’s sexual pleasure?
– Why are we afraid to talk about periods?
– What’s it like to be a girl in school at the moment?
– How can we prevent the sexual assault that happens to 400,000 women every year?
– How can we support the 85,000 women who are raped each year?
– And critically, how can we create a society that is more equal and more fair? How do we make change?
Whatever your gender, join us for a weekend of dicussions about the issues affecting women today, and how we can tackle them.
Trans-inclusive and accessible*
Speakers/performers to be announced soon.
There will be wi-fi!
*If you’re thinking about coming and you’re worried about access, please email us and we’ll work with you to see what we can do: yasthatannoyingfeminist@aol.co.uk
Hosted in association with Conway Hall Ethical Society.