You Are What You Read – With Jodie Jackson
9th April 2019 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

There are so many positive things happening in our world – from daily acts of kindness to life-changing breakthroughs. Yet despite living in the greatest era of progress mankind has arguably ever seen, the news we consume daily has a ‘negativity bias’, which convinces us the world is falling apart.
We all know the saying ‘you are what you eat’ in relation to our bodies – but when it comes to our minds ‘you are what you read’ is equally true. The impact of our mental diet is less visible but just as powerful.
In this empowering talk, Jodie Jackson will explain the impact the news has on our mental health and show us how we can take a more conscious and constructive approach to our media diet. By shifting the way we consume the news, we have the power to boost our mental health, transform our lives and just possibly change the world.
“Timely and engaging… a must-read” – Steven Pinker
Twitter: @jacksonjodie21
This event is in the Main Hall on the ground floor. For accessibility info: